一些背景知识 无机固态电解质基础性质 多尺度离子传输 原子尺度 离子扩散路径与环境: 阳离子沿着有利的路径扩散,这些路径由阴离子构成的框架所决定。阳离子扩散可看作是在基态稳定位点与中间亚稳位点之间的离子跳跃,能量主要由其局部离子配位环境决定(晶体中通常为四配位和六配位),体心立方阴离子框架就是一种常见的优秀离子导体框架,因为这种框架能让离子在相邻四面体位点间直接跳跃,且活化能$E_a$较低,无需经过高 $E 2025-03-13 从零开始的科研之旅 #化学, 科研
CAN EUROPE STOP ELON MUSK? CAN EUROPE STOP ELON MUSK ? During an American election, a rich man can hand out $1 million checks to prospective voters. Companies and people can use secretly funded “dark money” nonprofits to donate 2025-03-13 Stormy English > The Atlantic #English Learning
Stupid Words😭 mute 沉默的 reckless 鲁莽的 harness 利用 ordeal 磨难 chronicle 编年史 partisan 党派支持者,党羽 reckon 估计 proximity 接近 sinister 邪恶的,险恶的 prop 道具 reminiscence 回忆 salvation 拯救 retrospect 回顾 2025-03-11 Stormy English > Stupid Words #English Learning
Lesson 5 Hot Animals Around the World Hot Animals Around the World: Chameleons Every few months this program will feature an animal which has caught the eye of the world’s public to become a favorite or “hot” animal. In the first of thi 2025-03-11 Stormy English > 赖世雄高级美语 #English Learning
The Dark History of Zombies The Dark History of Zombies Animated corpses appear in stories all over the world throughout recorded history. But zombies have a distinct lineage—one that traces back to Equatorial and Central Af 2025-03-11 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
WHY THE COVID DENIERS WON WHY THE COVID DENIERS WON Lessons from the pandemic and its aftermath(by David Frum, a staff writer at the Atlantic) Five years ago, the coronavirus pandemic struck a bitterly divided society . Ame 2025-03-10 Stormy English > The Atlantic #English Learning
Lesson3 Indoor Pollution Indoor Pollution So you think that by staying at home you are safe from all the terrible kinds of pollution present outdoors, such as in or near factories, roads, and garbage dumps ? Do you think tha 2025-03-08 Stormy English > 赖世雄高级美语 #English Learning
Lesson4 Pizza, Please! Pizza, Please! One of the world’s most popular foods along with the hamburger, fried chicken, and milk shakes is pizza. Although the origin of the first three foods is well understood, that of piz 2025-03-08 Stormy English > 赖世雄高级美语 #English Learning
How Could so Many People Support Hitler How Could so Many People Support Hitler In Jerusalem , on April 11th, 1961, Adolf Eichmann stood trial for crimes against humanity. Eichmann had been a Nazi official tasked with organizing the tr 2025-03-08 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
The Warrior Who Defeated thr Mighty Mughals - Stephanie Honchell Smith The Warrior Who Defeated the Mighty Mughals - Stephanie Honchell Smith In warfare, in command, in sound judgement, and in administration, he had no equal.—— In 1624, Mughal Emperor Jahangir received 2025-03-08 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
高分子物理习题 fgg 高分子链的结构 近程结构 石墨和纸浆是天然高分子化合物 试讨论线形聚异戊二烯可能有哪些不同的构型,假定不考虑键接结构(画出结构示意图)——聚异戊二烯可能有6种有规立构体解 本题为何没考虑无规立构呢? 写出有取代的二烯 CH~3~CH=CH-CH=CH-COOCH~3~ 经加聚反应得到的聚合物,若只考虑单体的1,4-加成和单体头-尾相接,则理论上可能有几种立体异构? 为什么 2025-03-05 高分子化学习题 #化学,高分子化学
研究背景 金属锂作负极的挑战 锂枝晶生长 固态电解质可抑制锂枝晶生长 过充or快充时、以金属锂作负极时 体积膨胀与电极粉化 固态电池——采用固态电解质的锂离子电池 电化学窗口,5V>4.2V 金属Li作负极可能实现 高锂离子电导率 低电子电导率 正负极优异的化学和电化学稳定性 难表征 柔性不够 不好回收 固态电解质的电化学分解,不可避免 硫化 2025-03-04
Why Does February Only Have 28 Days Why Does February Only Have 28 Days Although February 2015 might fit perfectly on the page , every year it’s the runt of the monthly litter . This deficit of days, this calendar craziness , this o 2025-03-03 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
The Science of Falling in Love The Science of Falling in Love Love is often described as heartwarming,heart-wrenching and even heartbreaking. So, what does the brain have to do with it? Everything! The journey from first spark to l 2025-03-03 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
The Myth of Cupid and Psyche The Myth of Cupid and Psyche “Beauty is a curse ,” Psyche thought as she looked over the cliff’s edge where she’d been abandoned by her father. She’d been born with the physical perfection so complet 2025-03-02 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
The History of Marriage The History of Marriage There have been many different things written and said about marriage. From the sweetly inspirational to the hilariously cynical . But what many of them have in common is that 2025-03-02 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
How One Journalist Risked Her Life to Hold Murderers Accountable How One Journalist Risked Her Life to Hold Murderers Accountable In March of 1892, three Black grocery store owners in Memphis, Tennessee, were murdered by a mob of white men. Lynchings like these we 2025-03-01 Stormy English > TED-Ed #English Learning
Lesson2 The Amish The Amish In the land of rock and roll , the space shuttle, and computerized living, who could imagine that about 50,000 Americans do not use telephones, electric lights, or cars, not because they are 2025-03-01 Stormy English > 赖世雄高级美语 #English Learning
Lesson1 Let's Visit New York! Let’s Visit New York! New York, New York. The city so nice they named it twice. These words were used to describe New York when it was by far the largest, richest, and most developed city in the Uni 2025-03-01 Stormy English > 赖世雄高级美语 #English Learning
高分子链结构 高分子的结构简介😸 高分子的结构 链结构 近程结构(化学结构,一级结构) 构造:链中原子的种类和排列、取代基和端基的种类、单体单元的排列顺序、支链的类型和长度 构型:某一原子的取代基在空间的排列 远程结构(二级结构) 分子的大小与形态 链的柔顺性 构象 聚集态结构:高分子材料整体的内部结构 晶态结构(三级结构) 非晶态结构(三级结构) 取向态结构(三级结构) 液晶态结构(三 2025-02-28 高分子化学 #化学,高分子化学
绪论 教材及习题集 高分子物理, 刘凤岐,汤心颐编著,第二版,高等教育出版社 高分子物理学习指导,董炎明,胡晓兰著, 科学出版社 高分子物理习题集,徐世爱主编,华东理工大学出版社 教学内容 第一章 绪论 结构部分 第二章 高分子链结构 第三章 高分子溶液 第四章 高分子聚集态(一) 第五章 高分子聚集态(二) 第六章 分子运动与转变 性能部分 第七章 聚合物的粘弹性 第八章 橡胶弹性 第九 2025-02-28 高分子化学 #化学,高分子化学
AMD显卡畅玩本地大模型 PS:很久之前写的一篇体验文章啦~ 测试一下hexo的博客功能~ 为什么选择AMD 因为穷(bushi✘),广大的DIY玩家因为各种各样的原因选择了AMD显卡,让我们相聚于此。AMD显卡相较于NVDIA以其高性价比著称,奈何NVDIA早已建立起CUDA的壁垒,AMD显卡在人工智能领域“有劲使不出”或者算力较NV差。几个月前,Ollama支持了部分AMD Radeon显卡以及AMD Radeon P 2025-02-27 关于AI #折腾